
Last updated: am 15.05.2020 at 10:34 o'clock by unknown


  • First Name
    Employees first name
  • Last Name
    Employees last name
  • Initial

    Here you may state any desired abbreviation for the employee that for example may be used in the calendar. The entry is optional. In case no abbreviation is used for an employee his full name will be used.

  • Email

    The employees email address. Here you may insert the employees email address which corresponds to his user-account.

  • Main Department
    Choose the employees main department.
  • Position
    Choose the employees role within the department (employee or head of department).
  • Profile
    Choose the employees working hour profile
  • Description
    You may give your employees work a description. For example: a job description. Choose an existing description from the list or a new term which will automatically be added to the list.
  • Gender
    Choose your employees gender 
  • Date of birth
    Here employees date of birth can be entered.
  • Starting date
    Here you may enter the date when the employee joined the company.

    If Leave Management is activated for this employee his leave entitlement will be reduced in the starting year.

  • Date of Separation
    When an employee leaves your company you can enter the date of separation.

    If Leave Management is activated for this employee his leave entitlement will be reduced in the separation year.

  • HR Officer
    In the case of this tab being activated, the employee has access to the complete administration sector and can create, edit and delete departments, profiles and employees. 
  • CEO
    He stays above the HR Officer. He has the option "Administration" and can approve or reject time- and leave bookings.
  • Manage Own Requests and Leaves

    When this checkbox is activated then each employee can process his own leave requests. 

    Otherwise each request must be checked by the respective Manager. Managers can also only release their requests when this checkbox is activated. In the case of this box being activated, the users requests will be released with the application.

  • Reset Password
    This is to send an email with a new password to the selected employees

Leave Management

  • Use department entitlement
    When this tab is activated then the employees use the settings given by their main department.
           1. Leave entitlement:
               Specifies how many days manual leave employees are entitled to.
  • Start Year
    When begins the leave administration
  • Initial Value
    Enter how much leave days are left from the last year.
  • Additional leave
    Fill in additional leaves for your employees. These leaves are only valid for the current year and will be lost in the next year

Time Recording

All users with the module activated will show the panel Time Recording.
  • Starting Date
    This date defines which entries will be evaluated.
  • Initial Value
    If an employee already starts with plus or minus hours, you can define his initial value in hours. Please keep in mind to use a decimal format.
  • Terminal PIN:  
    At Start  Time Recording Terminal, set "PIN entry required for the employee"  than you can see the PIN of the employee.


If you have to change the profile belonging to an employee during the course of operation relating to time recording you should take the following points into consideration:

    1. The new profile is retroactive from the 1st  day of the current month.
    2. Any additional entries which an employee will made in past months will be re-calculated with the new profile.

Modifying the profile has no retroactive effects on the leave management.

Supervisor can just be deleted of an other supervisor.


If it is necessary, an employee can be assigned to several departments.
The companies departments are shown in the list. Using the selection in the column Position you can determine the department to which an employee is allocated, and which position he has.


You can set a description of your employee


