Project Management

Last updated: am 15.05.2020 at 10:34 o'clock by unknown

Desktop → Projects

At the Button "Projects" you can create and change projects and services.


After click at "Projects" you have an overview of already created Projects.
To create new projects, click at Create and choose Projects. Than you can set a number, name and set time at this dialog.

Number of projects are relevant for data exchange with other programs. Its no mandatory field such as set time.
But its very use full in conjunction with time recording to have an overview of your working hours.

You can drag & drop milestones and tasks. Also you can drag & drop between projects.


To set an status at the project, click at the Project and than at the dialog field next to status and choose a opinion.You can choose Open, In Process, Completed or Archived.
Confirm it with click on save.

Assign employees:

To choose determined employees to record time at an project, click at the checkboxes next to the employee.After click at the checkbox next to the department every employee in this department is chosen.

Assign services

Also you can choose services. Just click at Assign services and mark a checkbox next to one service. After assign you can record time at this service only.


Milestones and Tasks:
To create milestones and tasks choose a project. After that, click create and milestone or task. Than set number, name and set time.

If you record time at milestone or task, the actual time of the project changes too.
An employees just sees his/her own times. Recorded time of others are not viewable.


To see detailed information's click at Details.
You can choose projects and services to get exactly dates of recorded times.
HR Officers can choose employees to see all recorded times of him/her.

New bookings must be approve by the HR Officer.


Desktop → Projects → Services

At services you get an overview of all created services.

Create services:
To create services, click at Create and set a name at the dialog field.

Change services:
To change the name of the service, click at the service an set an other name at the tab general.

Delete services:
To delete an created service, click at the button delete.





