This website contains information on the services provided by
Pfalzgraf-Otto-Str. 81
74821 Mosbach
Tel. +49 (0) 6261/84694-9
CEO: Mr. Heiko Roth, Mr. Johannes Jakob
Companies' register Mannheim HRB 441546
VAT ID no.: DE 203 513 521
Responsible for the content: Herr Heiko Roth
Legal information
This website is operated by EGOTEC GmbH. Unless otherwise noted, all information and documents on this website are the intellectual property of EGOTEC GmbH and are protected by copyright law as well as other laws.
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If you want to know what information EGOTEC GmbH has stored about you or you do not want certain information to be retained any longer, please, send an e-mail to
Image credits
are given here.
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If parts or specific formulations of this text do not comply, no longer comply or do not fully comply with the applicable statutory situation, the content and validity of the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected.